2020 by the Numbers

  • 23 gathered for a renewal in Cyprus in March

  • 179 ministry leaders attended online trainings in 2020

  • 42 countries represented during remote sessions

  • 3456 minutes spent on Zoom by CbW teachers

  • 26 online prayer appointments for men and women


2002 participants at 62 events since 2001

Online Class – Summer 2020

Checks made out to Come before Winter can be mailed to the following address:

Come before Winter
P.O. Box 203381
Austin, TX 78720

Come before Winter is a 501(c)(3) organization and makes every effort to ensure accurate reporting of your donations so that we can supply you with necessary tax documentation. If the information you receive from our office does not match your records, or if you fail to receive the needed documentation, please contact our office at (512) 918-2717 or email our Executive Director at [email protected]. You may also contact Come before Winter Board Chairman, Randy Yarbrough, at [email protected]. Thank you for your support of Come before Winter.



I have really learned to trust what God is telling me, and I learned how to really absorb his Word … This definitely will change how I relate to those I minister to. The freedom I experienced will translate into a new confidence I lacked in my ministry.

Thailand, June 2016