Come before Winter seeks to lift up and walk alongside missionaries or ministers, ministry leaders, servant leaders, mentors or those who, by the nature of their daily service in the kingdom, are susceptible to fatigue, discouragement, even burnout.
A Come before Winter renewal consists of four or five days focused on experiencing the presence of God through the spiritual disciplines of study, worship, prayer, and reflection. All costs for the event are covered by generous donations. Our participants are responsible only for the cost of their travel to and from the renewal site so that the experience might be a gift, not a burden, to the women in ministry we serve.
We define “women in ministry” as missionaries, ministers, and church leaders, including anyone who oversees a ministry, either in a church or in the non-profit world of ministry, as well as those who partner in ministry or church leadership with their spouses (e.g., the spouse of a minister or elder). We serve those whose ministry roles involve the day in, day out responsibility of mentoring others in God’s church and whose dedication to ministry consumes a major portion of their time and effort.
Visit our Renewals page to find out where we will be hosting next. Each renewal focuses on a specific region, bringing together workers from that region; however, we do allow a certain percentage of our applicants to come from outside the host region—provided they are willing to travel the extra distance. If you are in need of renewal but are outside the region(s) in which we are currently hosting events, we invite you to apply.

Countries represented by our participants

I think [this renewal] will help me to better live out the things Jesus spoke to my heart and to better appreciate the body of Christ and the role each individual plays.