James: Wisdom and Ethics for Faith in Community

Join Dana Glover for a five-week study of the book of James focused on faithful, wise, and ethical living in community

In this study of James, we will explore some ways that Scripture teaches us to make ethical choices about how we live as Christians. Students will learn about and discuss the text’s instructions for the body of faith regarding subjects that include treatment of others, facing temptations, following God’s Word beyond just hearing, and valuing wisdom. We will equip each other in conversation together about our own experiences, struggles, and successes with living faithfully in community. Our aim will be to find encouragement for our growing individual faith and to find practical ways for encouraging unity among Christians in our lives as we live in faith together. This class is open to both women and men in ministry.

This five-week class will meet once a week beginning October 2 and ending October 30. Each class session will last an hour and a half. We will offer both morning and evening sections: 

Section 1: Mondays at 9:00 a.m. CT (Central Time)
Section 2: Mondays at 7:00 p.m. CT (Central Time)

To figure out what time that would be for you, go to Compare the time listed above for Dallas (CT) to your local time.

When you register below, choose the section that will work best for your schedule.

Dana and her husband, Jeff, live in northeast Arkansas. Dana comes from a background of working in family ministries at churches located mostly in the southeast US. She recently completed a Master of Divinity degree at Abilene Christian University and has a passion for spiritual formation. She loves to share in developing Christian practices that help individual and communal faith grow. 
Dana attended the CbW renewal for women held in Tennessee in July 2022. A few months later, she joined the team that hosted our virtual renewal serving women in central Asia in November 2022.