Encounters with Jesus in John 1-9
Join Dr. Brooke Hollingsworth (PhD, Mathematics; MA, Theology) for a six-session class from John 1-9.
In Encounters with Jesus in John 1-9, you will study John 1-9 through the interactions of Jesus with several characters, including Nicodemus, the Samaritan woman, the man healed at the pool, and the blind man. We will notice how each character is invited by Jesus to “come and see” and will observe how people respond to this invitation. Through these observations, we will reflect on both how we respond to the gospel’s invitation to “come and see” and on how we can extend that invitation to the world.
There will be two sections for the class, each meeting once a week for six weeks. Each session will last around an hour and 15 minutes.
Section 1: Wednesdays at 9:30 am CDT (Central Daylight Savings Time), June 16-July 21Section 2: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm CDT, June 16-July 21 SECTION CLOSED
(To figure out what time that would be locally, you can go to Compare the time listed above in Dallas, Texas, to your local time.)
This class is open to both women and men in ministry.
When you register below, please choose the section that will work best with your schedule.