Praying the Psalms - Experiencing biblical poetry in this season
Join Rachel Howell for a four-week online class focused on engaging with God and fellow believers through a practice of reading and praying the psalms.
Each week we will enter into the text of one psalm using an immersive and reflective group-reading practice. This experience is designed to facilitate an awareness of our connection, through God’s Spirit, both to one another and to our ancient siblings. This method of praying the psalms is highly repeatable and thus easily incorporated into one’s personal spiritual practices. Continuing CbW’s mission of renewing and uniting Christian leaders around the world, this class is open to both women and men in ministry.
This four-week class will meet once a week from mid-November through mid-December, with a break during the week of Thanksgiving. Each class session will last an hour. We will offer both morning and evening sections, which will meet via Zoom on different days of the week:
Section 1: Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. CST (Central Standard Time): Nov. 12, Nov. 19, Dec. 3 and Dec. 10
Section 2: Fridays at 11:00 a.m. CST (Central Standard Time): Nov. 15, Nov. 22, Dec. 6 and Dec. 13
To figure out what time that would be for you, go to Compare the time listed above for Dallas, Texas (CST), to your local time.
When you register below, choose the section that will work best for your schedule.
Rachel is the congregational minister with the Palo Verde Church of Christ in Tucson, Arizona. She is a writer, theologian, and spiritual director; she has also served as a church planter and adjunct professor. She attended CbW renewals as a participant in Rwanda in 2011 and Namibia in 2017 during her 15 years of teaching ministry in Mozambique. She has a master’s degree in historical theology and another in Old Testament. She enjoys hiking, quilting, sci-fi, and spending time with her husband and three young adult daughters.