
Breaking News: Generous Challenge has been Met and Exceeded!

We are thrilled to announce our matching donation campaign was more than successful, bringing in over $26,000 from either new donors or those who exceeded their 2015 gift! We are blown away and so very thankful.  

You can still give to help cover the costs as we move toward our mission goals for 2017. Donate now and help Come before Winter meet the challenge of renewing and equipping Christian leaders around the world.
  • Women’s African renewal near Windhoek, Namibia, March 13-17 (Exodus)
  • Men’s European renewal in Filzmoos, Austria, May 22-26 (Luke)
  • Women’s North American renewal near Boston, Massachusetts, June 12-16 (Matthew)
  • Third year of International Development Seminar training in Japan, July 14-17
Earmark your donation to honor a specific CbW team member and help build the ministry as well. 

(also in Portuguese  or Japanese)

Being a minister can be a cold and isolating experience…even for the most seasoned worker. When that ministry occurs on foreign soil, the stress only multiplies.

Paul experienced winter. On the field in the first century, Paul writes to his friend Timothy: “Do your utmost to come before winter” (NKJV, 2 Timothy 4.9). Paul is grieving the loss of fellow workers, one who has deserted the work. “Only Luke is with me,” he writes. Alone and in prison, Paul craves encouragement and the presence of friends and familiar, useful items:

“Bring the cloak I left in Troas, and my scrolls, especially the parchment,” he urges.

Today’s women in ministry can experience winter. Though Paul spoke of the physical season, winter can mean more than cold winds and dead leaves. The symbol can represent any period regarded as a time of decline, dreariness, or adversity.

Ministry, especially ministry in missions, challenges the hearts and souls of women around the world. Today, just as in the first century, some workers will leave the work, tired and discouraged. Those who remain will on some days long for a familiar face, a conversation with a kindred spirit, tools with which to work, and the comforts of “home.”

Our goal is to bring what is lacking and to arrive before “winter.”


Giving glory to God, we will encourage women in ministry by:

  • Equipping them with advanced Bible study skills
  • Honoring them for their efforts and sacrifices
  • Providing opportunities to discuss their own struggles and needs
  • Reinforcing their value as vital assets of the body of Christ locally, nationally, and worldwide
  • Promoting unity among women in ministry around the world

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 2015 Renewals